1. Always maintain an emergency fund: This is the main reason of coming into debt. You should always maintain an alternative fund to avoid a sudden expense such as a medical fee or a major vehicle repair. If you don’t have such an option then you need to use your credit card and suddenly you find yourself into debt. an emergency fund helps you to avoid any kind harassment under such circumstances.
2. Use the card in limitations: You should never use your card to buy something which you can not afford. If you purchase only those things by card which you can purchase by cash too, then you will never involve yourself in debt.
3. Don’t transfer your balance: Don’t transfer your balance just to transfer. Do it only when you need it desperately like if you are getting low interest offer on a shopping by another card. Otherwise it will increase your balance due to transfer of money.
4. Make credit card payments on time: You should always make your credit card payments on time every month to avoid credit card debt. An on time payment will make you always feel happy. You won’t have to be worried about the problems and tensions of late payment or increment of debt.
5. Know the symptoms of credit card debt: You should always be well aware of the signs of debt. many people don’t realize when they have come into a debt. You are aware of the warnings of the credit card debt, then you would be able to avoid the debt.
6. Don’t hand over your card to others: This is the most important part of this article. You should never give your card to any body. They might say that they will make the payments of your card bill in lieu of the uses that they will make. But think for a while, if a credit card company does not give them a card then why do you give yours?
7. Don’t increase the no. of credit cards: It does not matter what command you have on yourself but the problem is, if you have some credit cards, you would not be able to keep the control on you. And the more number of cards you have, the more risk will be there to come into debt. So always have minimum number of cards to avoid any harassment.
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