A payday loan is taken by someone at a very urgent situation. It is so helpful at emergencies. And it can become really unmanageable if you are taking multiple loans very frequently. But there is a good news for you and that is, you may merge all your payday loans and can pay all into one monthly payment.
1. If you own a home then you must go for a secured debt consolidation loan. This is also known as a low interest rate home equity loan. This a very beneficial option for those consumers who have thousands of dollars in their payday loans. They would be able to get the benefit of this advantage.
2. You can also pay off your loans by using your credit card without any annual fee and also with a 0 percent introductory rate. You have to pay less in your charges and fees of interest and for this you would have one monthly payment. You should take the advantage of Internet and try to find out such sites where you can find out the best credit card offers for you.
3. You can also find out the private money lenders. Those who lend money to the private borrowers, can be one of the best options for you.
4. You can also seek the help of a lending institution in order to take a personal unsecured debt loan. If you don’t need any collateral then this can be the best option for you. You need a very good credit history to get the benefit of this type of loan.
5. You can also seek the help of any of your family members or your friends. Ask them for a personal loan. You need to offer them in such a way by which they would be convinced to give you the money. You need to offer them a good interest rate and written documents of the deal. Most importantly paying a proper interest rate is much better than incurring the fees from the payday loan companies.